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About Us
We are the owners and operators of A's Pizza Truck in Newmarket, ON - Canada.
(Chef) Akos and Erika, we are husband and wife, and we've been in the pizza business (small family business) since 2015.
Akos has been a Pizzaiolo since 2003.
A's Sourdough Breads are very popular amongst our customers, and at the Farmers Markets in spring/summer, so we would like to offer our customers pick up options in the fall/winter in Georgina and East Gwillimbury (online pre orders).

Pick up Information
East Gwillimbury pick up is every Wednesday from October-30, 2024 4pm-6pm (Parking lot of the Civic Centre)
Georgina pick up is every Sunday from November-3, 2024
1pm-3pm (Parking lot of the Link)
When you are able to select your preferred pick up location, you can order anything that's available. If you see that the item is "sold out", that means that we sold everything and the item needs to be restocked. We restock on Saturdays.
When you can't see your preferred pick up location, that means you missed the deadline. The deadline for Wednesday pick up (EG) is Monday, and reopens on Wednesday evening.
The deadline for Sunday pick up (Georgina) is Friday, and reopens on Sunday evening.
Do I have to wait for a "your order is ready..." email? If you have your confirmation email after you placed your order, that means we got your order. In this case you don't have to wait for the "your order is ready to pick up" email on pick up day. Just come to the your chosen pick up location on Wednesday or Sunday (in the right time slot). Sometimes systems are broken (glitched) and we are not able to send out emails.

Thank you
Thank you for visiting our page and/or ordering from us!
One more thing before you go, "The pizza project" book is available on Amazon.
Contact info